Piccolo Peculiarities Mmt 3 American in Persia mp3


Piccolo Peculiarities, for Piccolo and Piano, written with Mary Kay Fink

Mmt 1: Fugue

Mmt 2: Bic Bird An improvisatory piece during which a ballpoint pen isĀ inserted into the end of the piccolo

Mmt 3: An American in Persia (written between the 2 gulf wars, with no particular political intent. A face off between an Iranian style melody and an American marching band. Both sides win.)

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Piccolo Peculiarities, for Piccolo and Piano, written with Mary Kay Fink

Mmt 1: Fugue

Mmt 2: Bic Bird An improvisatory piece during which a ballpoint pen isĀ inserted into the end of the piccolo

Mmt 3: An American in Persia (written between the 2 gulf wars, with no particular political intent. A face off between an Iranian style melody and an American marching band. Both sides win.)

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